or on our website at
We are still porting all the other PiRogue packages to Debian 12 and testing them on both Raspberry Pi 3B and Raspberry Pi 4. Those packages will be released and published at
along with the corresponding OS image.
We have improved the knowledge graph editor and added a side panel allowing to quickly search for a specific entity and locate it in the graph.
Summary of the different graph editor actions:
The padlock prefixing the name of a link between 2 entities indicates that this relation has been inferred from the details specified at the creation of one of the 2 related entities. For example, if we created an observable and specified that it has been extracted from a specific artifact, the relationship between the 2 entities cannot be changed in the graph preventing losing an important information.
By default, the layout of the graph is automatic and can make the graph hard to read. So, users can manually move entities and re-layout the entire graph. The layout done manually is saved so that it is not necessary to redo it each time the graph is opened.
We continue improving the overall UI and UX.
We continue working on the training guides. The list is available at
We started getting UI/UX feedback from the community and plan to take them into account in the next 2 months.
We are hosting a beta version of Colander which is open to community members. Feel free to ask for an account.
Porting the native drivers to Debian 12 was a big deal, we want to warmly thank Cyril Brulebois for his help and support.