Shodan and ScarletShark to Theatr. Now, the workspace Investigate in Colander offers the users the ability to gather threat intelligence from Shodan, ScarletShark, VirusTotal and OTX Alien Vault. Data collected from these 4 3rd-parties is unified to represent information consistently and compatible with the representation of knowledge in Colander.
Users can get the following types of information from Threatr:
Nothing planned since the feature has been released.
We want to provide end users with OS images and installation procedure allowing them to deploy PiRogue in a virtual environment (VM, cloud…). One of the direct implication is supporting a vast variety of configuration such as:
Many tests were run, using laptops, mixing wired and wireless interfaces, and testing all desktop environments that can be selected from the Debian Installer. Both pirogue-admin
and pirogue-networking
were patched to support the various network management tools that can be encountered in those environments, and it was confirmed we could focus on nftables
only, dropping support for iptables
No more work is scheduled on this topic.
Local and remote administration are done with the following features: Dashboard configuration, Wifi configuration and VPN peers management. Documentation includes basic commands usage and examples. By default, the remote administration is disabled. It can be enabled on private area network or publicly by providing a valid managed FQDN and an email address (both needed for certificate creation).
We will add command to get information about the overall status of the PiRogue such as system and services status, commands for system management and configuration will be added too. The documentation will be updated and published.
Many tests were run, using laptops, mixing wired and wireless interfaces, and testing all desktop environments that can be selected from the Debian Installer. Packages were patched incrementally to progressively support all use cases. A new page was prepared for the website in the virogue
The VPN feature was also tested using a virtual machine hosted at Hetzner.
No more work is planned.
New developer-oriented pages have been written to cover the wide changes needed to support new use cases (“appliance” mode and “VPN” mode):
.The end-user documentaton details the new way to administrate a PiRogue, explaining to the new local and remote administration capabilities. The legacy configuration method will be replaced by this documentation and archived in a dedicated section.
Those additions are staged in the virogue
branch, to be merged only when a release is published using the new set of packages.
No more work is planned on this.
Documenting the project is key in its usability. We are continuously documenting the different tools and features we develop and build new learning materials to facilitate skills development.
We have updated the documentation of Threatr to reflect the improvement we did this month. We have continued improving the project documentation by taking into account the users’ feedback we received.
We will continue to improve the project documentation to accurately reflect ongoing changes and updates.
We manufacture PiRogues to supply organizations, while taking care of its maintenance. We will include OS upgrades, improvement of the documentation and fixing bugs. Regarding Colander and Threatr, we maintain the public Colander server, upgrade dependencies, improve the documentation and fix bugs.
We have improved the API of Threatr to support observability such as retreiving the status of the configuration and the size of its cache of a Threatr instance. The status of the Threatr service can be checked on the status page of Colander.
We have released the version v1.0.5
of the Python client for Colander to add a method to download the decrypted traffic of a PiRogue experiment.
We have started working on implementing a tool to convert PCAPNG files to HAR. The purpose is to make it possible to open the decrypted network traffic with the Network tab of the web browser developer tools.
We have published the version 16.5.2
of Frida.
We will continue the maintenance of all the tools and Debian packages we maintain.
Given the success of events, webinars and demos with members of the civil society, NGOs and security researchers, we continue with our outreach plan. We organize trainings and demonstration sessions as well as creating spaces for the community to share feedback and request new features via our mailing list, GitHub issues or Discord server. We analyze one Android app that has received the community’s interest (ex COP28 app) per month. The application to be analyzed is chosen by the community. The analysis report is first privately shared with the community and one month later it is publicly released.
We organize monthly calls open to all members of the community to share project updates and get the community’s feedback.
We have been facilitating a 3-hour training for the European Data Protection Authorities during the bootcamp organized by the European Data Protection Board. This training was focusing on the regulatory compliance audit of mobile applications with PiRogue Tool Suite. We have received very positive feedbacks.
The following topics have been covered:
We have analyzed the application NetGuard, the analysis report will be shared with community at the beginning of October.
The PTS community meeting took place at the Global Gathering. We had a booth where we showcased PiRogue and Colander.
We will continue with our recurring activities.
The first advisory committee meeting took place at the Global Gathering in Estoril.
We will organize the next meeting with the members of the advisory committee.