Graphical interface

The graphical interface of Colander allows to navigate through the different workspaces as well as easily switching from one case to another or quickly searching for entities within a selected case or within all the user’s cases.

The graphical interface changes depending on a case as been selected or not. When no case is selected, the quick search bar will apply to all the cases the user has access to. In this mode, only 2 workspaces are accessible:

  • Cases to create or edit cases
  • Collaborate to create or edit teams
Overview of the Colander interface when no case is selected
Overview of the Colander interface when no case is selected

When a case is selected, the quick search bar only applies to the current case. In this mode, 6 workspaces are accessible:

  • Collect to create, edit, delete entities
  • Graph to open the graph editor
  • Document to open the documentation Markdown editor
  • Feeds to create, edit or delete export feeds
  • Investigate to quickly retrieve intelligence from VirusTotal or OTX Alien Vault via Threatr
  • CyberChef to open to self-hosted CyberChef tool
Overview of the Colander interface when a case is selected
Overview of the Colander interface when a case is selected

When a case is selected, the documentation editor can be opened within the current workspace. The documentation editor is then shown on the lower third of the page.

Overview of the Colander graph and documentation editor
Overview of the Colander graph and documentation editor