Export data

PiRogue deletes the data every 5 days for security reasons but to do a further analysis it is necessary to extract the alerts and flows as a result of the analysis, to export the data we need to do the following steps.

Once connected to the PiRogue, run the command

$ influx -database 'suricata' -execute 'SELECT * FROM "suricata"."suricata_5d"."alert"' -format 'csv' > alerts-`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`.csv

to export all Suricata alerts in a CSV file.

Run the command

$ influx -database 'flows' -execute 'SELECT * FROM "flows"."flows_5d"."flow"' -format 'csv' > flows-`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`.csv

to export all network flows in a CSV file.

You can then use scp to save these 2 files on your computer. Once you have retrieved your CSV files, you can open them with Excel, LibreOffice or any other software supporting CSV format.

The influxdb queries listed above are pretty simple but you can adapt them to your specific need, check out the influxdb documentation.

You can refine your request by filtering the following fields of the flows database:

  • time: timestamp in nanoseconds on first flow bidirectional packet
  • application_category_name: nDPI detected application category name
  • application_name: nDPI detected application name
  • bidirectional_bytes: flow bidirectional bytes accumulator
  • bidirectional_duration_ms: flow bidirectional duration in milliseconds
  • city: city determined by geoip based on the remote IP address
  • community_id: community ID
  • community_id_b64: community ID encoded in base64
  • country: country name determined by geoip based on the remote IP address
  • country_iso: country ISO code determined by geoip based on the remote IP address
  • dst2src_bytes: flow destination to source bytes accumulator
  • dst_ip: destination IP address string representation
  • dst_mac: destination MAC address string representation
  • dst_port: transport layer destination port
  • latitude: latitude determined by geoip based on the remote IP address
  • longitude: longitude determined by geoip based on the remote IP address
  • requested_server_name: requested server name (SSL/TLS, DNS, HTTP)
  • src2dst_bytes: flow source to destination bytes accumulator
  • src_ip: source IP address string representation
  • src_mac: source MAC address string representation
  • src_port: transport layer source port

You can refine your request by filtering the following fields of the Suricata alerts database:

  • time: timestamp in nanoseconds on detection
  • alert_category: category of the triggered rule
  • alert_severity: alert severity
  • alert_signature: signature of the triggered rule
  • alert_signature_id: unique identifier of the triggered rule
  • app_proto: network protocol (dns, http…)
  • community_id: community ID
  • community_id_b64: community ID encoded in base64
  • dest_ip: destination IP address string representation
  • dest_port: transport layer destination port
  • in_iface: network interface name
  • proto: transport protocol (UDP, TCP)
  • src_ip: source IP address string representation
  • src_port: transport layer source port

This documentation is based on the translation of a tutorial originally written by niculcha.