System integration

Historically the PiRogue environment supported only Raspberry Pi devices (Pi 3 and Pi 4), which featured a well-known hardware configuration. We would expect the wired interface (eth0) to be used as the external interface, connected to the internet, while the wireless interface (wlan0) would be used as the isolated interface, configured as an access point.

A few Debian packages needed to perform some autodetection to set everything up as required, which was done through postinst scripts.

In 2024, we started a project codenamed “ViRogue”, which is about virtualizing the PiRogue and supporting more use cases. That means no longer relying on Raspberry Pi devices, and being able to deploy the PiRogue operating system on any amd64 or arm64 machine in appliance mode (e.g. using two Ethernet interfaces) or even in a virtual machine in VPN mode. Of course, the historical access point mode remains a possibility, e.g. on Raspberry Pi devices or on laptops for example.

Supporting more use cases meant having some logic and heuristics to help users pick a configuration that should work out of the box based on the detected network interfaces and settings, that’s why we introduced a new component called pirogue-admin to coordinate autodetection (for the initial installation) and configuration deployment.

Existing Debian packages were modified to integrate with this new component, with one of them getting renamed to match its new versatility:

  • pirogue-ap, which became pirogue-networking
  • pirogue-dashboard
  • pirogue-eve-collector
  • pirogue-flow-inspector

Initial installation

Package-level interactions

The pirogue-admin package features a pirogue-admin executable which is primarily meant to be used by postinst scripts.

That executable features an --autodetect option which is used by pirogue-base.postinst to generate a suitable configuration based on the detected network interfaces and settings (see next section). The configuration is displayed on the standard output, written to /root/pirogue-admin-autodetect.yml, then passed to pirogue-admin again, this time using the --apply option (and some others), to actually deploy the configuration.

Note: Users may deploy a /var/lib/pirogue/admin/user.config.yaml file to provision some variables, which is automatically taken into account by --autodetect, which tries and merges settings, sticking to the autodetected settings if anything goes wrong with user-provided settings.

Example of user-provisioned variables:


Autodetection logic

Assuming the system is already set up to have internet access, a route check is used to determine the external interface. If that fails, autodetection fails.

Otherwise, depending on the available interfaces, an operating mode is determined:

  • If a wireless interface is present, the access point mode is suggested, and the first wireless interface is used.
  • Otherwise, if a wired interface is present, the appliance mode is suggested, and the first wired interface is used.
  • Otherwise, the VPN mode is the final fallback. In that case, a public IPv4 address is determined using an external service, so that it can be included in the WireGuard peer configuration.

Until pirogue-admin client/daemon packages are made available, another executable named pirogue-admin-wireguard makes it possible to manage WireGuard peers, and make their configuration available as configuration files, configuration archives, or QR codes.

Note: If the autodetected configuration doesn’t fit (maybe there were several interfaces to choose from; maybe some of them come and go, e.g. USB adapters, tethering), updating the configuration might require cleaning up the previous one. That’s tracked as pirogue-admin#7.

Upgrading existing Raspberry Pi devices

Initially, the autodetection was meant to be used only when pirogue-base gets configured the first time. Since we want existing PiRogue users to be able to upgrade their systems as usual, pirogue-base.postinst was modified to include a version check to determine when the “PiRogue/ViRogue” transition happens, so that autodetection can kick in. That should lead to the exact same network settings for Raspberry Pi users, but this could lose any other settings that could have been changed.

System integration details

Package contents and metadata

Packages that need to be integrated with pirogue-admin must follow those rules:

  • They ship a /usr/share/pirogue-admin/<package>/ directory, with an index.yaml entry point which lists variables, files/templates, and possible actions.
  • They include a dependency on pirogue-admin, which can be versioned in case variables, conditions, etc. get added along the way.
  • They call pirogue-admin --redeploy --commit upon upgrades, to make sure the configuration is redeployed (as needed).

Managing files

Each index.yaml entry point is expected to contain at least a files section which describes which source file (found in the same directory) is expected to be used as a template for which destination file, optionally relying on variables which are substituted.

By default, variables are managed in the following way:

  • Mentioning a VAR variable means trying to replace @VAR@ in the source file, but it’s possible to specify a different token to make sure we are able to deal with any configuration file format.
  • Variable substitutions happen by replacing the token by the variable’s value, but it’s possible to specify a type to use a specific formatter, e.g. nftables_list_of_networks or grafana_re_positive_match_network. That must be implemented in the pirogue-admin package (see pirogue_admin/package_config/

When a given destination file is created or updated, the associated actions are run.

Let’s look at this example from pirogue-networking:

  - src: 10-pirogue-networking.conf
    dst: /etc/sysctl.d/
      - systemctl restart systemd-sysctl

In this case, systemctl restart systemd-sysctl is run when /etc/sysctl.d/10-pirogue-networking.conf is created or updated.

It’s possible to specify a condition (singular), which must be implemented in the pirogue-admin package (see pirogue_admin/package_config/ In that case, the file is set up and the actions are run as usual if the condition is met. Otherwise, the commands listed in actions_else are run unconditionally.

DRY! An actions section can be used when a lot of files have actions in common, to avoid repeating them again and again. See pirogue-dashboard for an example.

Managing variables

It’s also possible to have a variables section listing variable names and their default values.

For example, in the pirogue-dashboard case:

    default: PiRogue

Another example, in the pirogue-networking case:

  - name: WIFI_SSID
    default: PiRogue1
    default: superlongkey
    default: FR

Testing the system integration

The focus on this section is network-related tests. This includes, but isn’t limited to:

  • Network stacks: ifupdown, systemd-networkd (with or without systemd-resolved), NetworkManager, etc.
  • Operating modes: access point, appliance, and VPN.
  • Firewall management: nftables vs. iptables, etc.

It should be noted that none of the tested environments came with any nftables or iptables rules. This was another reason for deciding to focus solely on nftables support: we don’t expect to have to deal with PiRogue-provided nftables rules vs. something-else-provided iptables rules, which could have been the case if some firewall tool with default rules would have been installed via dependencies.

Packages were modified incrementally and published in the debian-12-virogue PPA to avoid conflicting with existing PiRogue installations, leading up to a number of virogue-N tags:

  • Up to virogue-3: Pi, VM, and baremetal tests.
  • Up to virogue-6: That was about finishing up the main tasks that had been identified.
    • Focus on nftables only.
    • Add support for upgrading existing PiRogue installations.
    • Add support for provisioning variables.

Note: Tests were not run again from scratch every time an updated package was merged into the repository. It would make sense to run a few tests (if not all of them) once an alpha ViRogue release is published, to make sure no regressions managed to sneack in while iterating!

Raspberry Pi

For the whole duration of the ViRogue project, testing new installation and also upgrade on Raspberry Pi 3 and 4 has been the rule. Testing was extended to Pi 5, which have been supported since the arm64_v2.1.0 release.

With PTS images, we have the following setup:

  • ifupdown manages the network;
  • nftables is installed;
  • iptables is not installed.
  • access point is the operating mode.

Virtual machine

People deploying virtual machines tend to use ready-to-use system images instead of going through the whole installation process (using Debian Installer or something else), so it made sense to look into Debian-provided Cloud images.

Some of them targets specific “big provider” like Amazon EC2 or Microsoft Azure, but there’s also a “plain VM” (nocloud) flavour that can be used inside QEMU (with or without libvirt).

Two setups were tested:

  • single network interface: VPN is the operating mode. In this case, we are able to manage peers via pirogue-admin-wireguard, and provided the VM’s UDP port 51820 is accessible from the determined public IPv4 address, phones can be configured to use it via the WireGuard client.
  • two network interfaces: appliance is the operating mode. In this case, we can analyze what other VMs are doing (having them on an isolated network, using the PiRogue VM as a DHCP and DNS server and as a gateway).

We have the following setup:

  • systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved manage the network;
  • nftables is not installed (until it’s pulled by pirogue-networking);
  • iptables is installed;
  • VPN or appliance is the operating mode (see previous paragraph).

Note: A test was also performed using a CX22 machine at Hetzner, instead of just relying on Cyril’s own virtualization infrastructure. It can be considered as successful overall but not entirely bullet-proof: Hetzner provides its own Debian images, which rely on dnsmasq for DNS resolution. The configuration deployed via pirogue-networking breaks DNS resolution, which was worked around by manually modifying /etc/resolv.conf to include a nameserver directive that doesn’t point at localhost.

Bare metal

Since we also want users to be able to deploy the PiRogue operating system on any amd64 or arm64 machine running Debian 12, it made sense to perform a few installations, with different components selected on Debian Installer’s tasksel screen. We could have insisted on performing a text-only installation, but it would be best if users were able to deploy PiRogue tools e.g. on their laptops.

Operating mode: access point

The following tests were performed using a laptop featuring a wired interface, used as the external interface (connected to the internet), and a wireless interface, to be used as the isolated interface, with a test phone connecting over Wi-Fi.

For all those tests, access point is the operating mode.

Without any desktop environment, the setup is:

  • ifupdown manages the network;
  • nftables is installed;
  • iptables is not installed.

With the GNOME, Xfce, KDE Plasma, Cinnamon, and Mate desktop environments, the setup is:

  • NetworkManager manages the network;
  • nftables is installed;
  • iptables is not installed.

With the LXDE and LXQt desktop environments, the setup is different:

  • ifupdown manages the network;
  • nftables is installed;
  • iptables is installed.

And there are even bigger differences with LXDE and LXQt:

  • pirogue-admin detects ifupdown as the network stack but we also have a ConnMan daemon. Since the PiRogue environment could be set up without any further changes, it was decided not to try and augment pirogue-admin with ConnMan support. Depending on implementation details, users might get confused by the lack of ConnMan integration. In that case, we could either extend pirogue-admin, or just recommend against those two desktop environments: there are a lot of others to choose from!
  • Legacy tables exist: filter, mangle, and nat (as reported by /proc/net/ip_tables_names). This generates some warnings depending in iptables-save (which points to iptables-nft-save), which suggests running iptables-legacy-save as well.

Finally, an extra test was performed, starting from a text-only installation, manually switching the network stack from ipupdown to systemd-networkd plus systemd-resolved. This highlighted the fact that dnsmasq and hostapd needed to be swapped in pirogue-networking’s index.yaml, since dnsmasq might not be able to manage the wireless interface otherwise.

Operating mode: appliance

Once all desktop environments were confirmed to be supported, the next step was checking that it was possible to use the same laptop but with interfaces swapped, meaning using the wireless interface as the external interface (connected to the internet), and using the wired interface as the isolated interface. This time, another laptop is used to validate the PiRogue environment is usable.

This was actually tested twice:

  • once with a laptop featuring both interfaces;
  • once with a laptop only featuring a wireless interface, adding a USB/Ethernet adapter. It was confirmed to show up as a regular wired interface.

This was confirmed to be working fine in the ifupdown case and in the NetworkManager one. The systemd-networkd plus systemd-resolved case had already been tested successfully using virtual machines (with two network interfaces).

Operating mode: VPN

With another laptop, featuring only a wireless interface, it was verified that the resulting operating mode is VPN. That being said, its usability hasn’t been verified, as it would have required setting up some NAT rules on the ISP-provided router. Since we already know this works fine in a VM, there were no reasons to doubt it would work on a laptop in the exact same way.