Time stamp files

In some cases, it’s crucial to time stamp collected files to securely keep track of the creation and modification time of a file. PiRogue uses an external timestamping authority. To do so, run the following command on your PiRogue:

Securely time stamp files
pirogue-timestamp -c [folder containing the files to time stamp]

The command generates a file hashes.txt listing the sha512 hash of every files contained in the specified folder and generates the following files:

  • README.md: the file containing the verification instructions
  • freetsa.org_cacert.*: the certificate of the timestamping authority
  • hashes.txt: the file listing the sha512 hash of the timestamped files
  • hashes.txt.tsq: the time stamp query
  • hashes.txt.tsr: the time stamp reply
Time stamp the content of a folder

In this example, we time stamp the files contained in the folder drop.

pi@pirogue ➜ # Example of timestamping files
pi@pirogue ➜ pirogue-timestamp -c drop
15:47:26 INFO     Timestamping the files contained in drop                                                         
Using configuration from /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf
pi@pirogue ➜ |