Upload file or folder Colander

With your PiRogue connected to your Colander account, you can upload artifacts and files to your cases. To do so, use the following command to upload a file or the content of a folder to the given Colander case:

Upload a file to Colander
pirogue-colander collect-artifact -c "[ID of the case in Colander]" [file or folder to be uploaded]

If the path you have specified is a file, the command uploads this file only. If the path is a folder, the command uploads all the files contained into this folder. The command doesn’t upload the files ending with .metadata.json as they contain the attributes to pass to Colander.

When asked, choose the type of artifact to create in Colander. The workspace Collect > Artifacts in Colander gives you the command to run.

Example of upload to Colander
pi@pirogue ➜ # Example of upload to Colander
pi@pirogue ➜ pirogue-colander collect-artifact -c "404afb288c" drop/IMG_1.jpeg
Select the type of the artifact for the file drop/IMG_1.jpeg:
0 - Android backup image
1 - Android sample
2 - Backup image
3 - Binary file
4 - Cryptographic activity trace
5 - Document
6 - Email file
7 - Forensic dump
8 - HAR file
9 - Image
10 - iOS backup image
Enter the number corresponding to the type you want to use: 9
You have selected Image
01:29:48 PM INFO     [pirogue_colander_connector.collectors.artifact] Start the upload of drop/IMG_1.jpeg
  drop/IMG_1.jpeg - complete ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00 0:00:00
pi@pirogue ➜ |