PiRogue PPA for Debian 12
This PPA contains all the Debian packages to be installed on PiRogue OS to turn a Raspberry Pi into a PiRogue. Want to build one? Follow the guide "How to setup a PiRogue".
Package sources
All the sources of the packages distributed by this PPA are available at:
- https://github.com/PiRogueToolSuite/deb-packages/tree/debian-12
- https://github.com/PiRogueToolSuite/pirogue-admin/tree/main
- https://github.com/PiRogueToolSuite/pirogue-colander-connector/tree/main
- https://github.com/PiRogueToolSuite/deb-python/tree/debian-12
Configure the PiRogue repository for Debian 12
To install PiRogue packages repository on your fresh Debian 12 installation, execute the following command in a terminal:
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pirogue.list https://pts-project.org/debian-12/pirogue.list
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pirogue.gpg https://pts-project.org/debian-12/pirogue.gpg
sudo apt update
Installation on Raspberry Pi
Check the corresponding documentation on PTS’s website.
Installation on a regular PC
Check the corresponding documentation on PTS’s website.